We Not Naughty


“Recent movie directed by a famous local producer. Interesting movie that encapsulates the every day life of Singaporeans and the common problems faced in their families.”

Good movie to watch! Quite a good reflection of what Singaporean families are facing now. So when you think you have huge, unsolvable problems in your family, watch this movie and realise that people out there (we’re not even talking about Africa or third world counties) are going through much worst.

So how then, am I going to handle the current problems I am facing?
I plan to focus. GET.THINGS.DONE.

Not let external circumstances influence the things that you are planning to do. PERIOD.

Hoho… But then again, it’s easier said than done. Well, let’s see how it goes from today.


Anyway, do feel free to leave comments on your take, do you really think your problems are greater than others? Or do you feel blessed that it is not as bad as the people around you? How are you able to continue doing what you are doing despite external problems you face daily? It’ll be quite an interesting discussion.

Ok, another topic. This year’s new year like got no “qi fen” hor? First telltale sign that WE ARE GETTING OLD. HAHA